Pink Rose

Pink roses are beautiful, compact and bushy. They are highly disease resistant with low maintenance and long flowering period. They are good for small to medium landscape spaces and patio containers. They need less pruning than typical shrub roses.

We recommend pruning back in late winter / early spring after the last frost – to a height of approx 4.5″ – 6″. This type of pruning will allow for maximum new growth for the entire season, maximum bloom capacity, and keeps an extremely nice dense form to the shrub.

Mature height could be between 16″ – 24″ tall, mature width 14″ – 20″ wide, growth rate is moderate, hardiness zones is from 4 – 10, sun exposure is full sun to partial shade, soil preference is average to slightly sandy and well drained with plenty of organic matter is preferred, foliage color & texture is deciduous broadleaf with excellent dark green foliage provides an optimal backdrop for the generous amounts of soft pastel pink blooms, new foliage / leaf growth will have a slight reddish tint. fragrance is noticeable in mid season, but never overpowering and average flower size is 1 1/2″ – 2″ in diameter. Recommended Spacing is 3 – 4 feet apart for accent or foreground plantings. Best to fertilize in early spring, and again in mid fall – avoid feeding standard chemical fertilizers during hot summer months, and directly after transplanting.